The Soul Sucking, Energy Draining Li.... | TomiMitchell
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About the Book

Welcome to our page dedicated to physician wellness! We understand the importance of taking care of oneself, especially in a demanding profession like medicine. Here, you'll find resources and tips to help you prioritize your well-being and maintain a healthy work-life balance. hope you find this page helpful informative.

There's something noble about choosing a career as a
physician. Heroic, some even say. And even though
the Covid-19 pandemic has opened the world's eyes to
the day-to-day rigors of the jobt Dr. Tomi Mitchell
doesn't mince words when describing how so many
doctors are silently suffering, unsupported by the
system. Burnout. Depression. Suicide. The Soul-
Sucking Energy-Draining Life of a Physician: How to
Live the Life of Service Without Losing Yourself is a
non-fiction guidebook that aims to help those
working in the healthcare sector (or those in a
relationship with someone in a giving profession) to
understand the inherent risks of becoming a doctor
and find ways to achieve work-life balance so they can
thrive in an authentic way every day.
Along with research and professional insights, Dr.
Mitchell's book is full of anecdotes about her journey
to becoming an MD and her eventual decision to
temporarily hang up her stethoscope to focus on
other parts of healing, taking a more holistic approach
to life and work, as a wellness and performance coach,
while rekindling her love for writing. The Soul-Sucking
Energy-Draining Life of a Physician is a bold how-to
guide for doctors—and those considering the
profession—on how to embrace their drive but in
healthier ways.

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Book Reveal Event, The video premier is set for July 22nd at 7am MST.

Key Themes and Chapters:
1. Identifying Burnout: Provides insights into recognizing the signs of burnout and understanding its underlying
2. Mental Health Challenges: Explores the impact of mental health issues such as depression and anxiety on
physician well-being and patient care.
3. Setting Boundaries: Dr. Mitchell emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries to maintain work-life
balance and prevent burnout.
4. Self-Care Practices: Offers practical tips and techniques for practicing self-care, including decluttering,
mindfulness, and stress management.
5. Managing Patient Interactions: Discusses effective communication strategies and boundary- setting
techniques for managing difficult patient interactions.
6. Reflecting on Career Challenges: Explores the challenges and rewards of practicing medicine, including
navigating difficult moments and maintaining resilience.
7. Finding Fulfillment: Offers guidance on living a life of service without losing oneself and finding purpose and
fulfillment in medicine.

Available Now at Major Online Retailers!

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Paperback & Hardcover

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