When attempting to endure a toxic environment, it is critical to remember that certain factors are beyond your control. It's best to take care of what you can and realize that some issues are beyond your control. With that in mind, let us examine your ability to deal with the poisonous work culture.
1. Avoid bringing work home with you
If you've developed a habit of bringing work home, it's time to say no to work files on the dinner table. Bringing negativity into your home when you want to relax and spend time with your family or friends is unnecessary. Learn to say no to additional tasks when the day is done and leave any files or pending emails at the office.
Leave all bad energy at the office, and develop the ability to say "no" when your supervisor proposes you "stay a little longer tonight." Avoid checking your email after hours and avoid calls from managers who refuse to respect your personal space.
2. Identify sustaining coping mechanisms
Discover healthy strategies to divert your attention away from work and cope with stress and worry. If you're comfortable, invite a friend, partner, or spouse to listen to you gripe about work. Communicating with another person can assist you in releasing pent-up frustration and avoiding emotional outbursts at work. If you're unable to speak with someone, consider maintaining a journal or recording private voice notes in which you complain about your job.
Apart from talking therapy, try running, visiting a park, swimming, or walking a dog. Go food shopping, cook, have a snack at a local café, or sit by the beach if time permits. Make sure you leave the office promptly and engage in a peaceful and delightful activity to assist you in coping.
3. Stay away from the drama
If you work with negative coworkers and authoritarian supervisors, make every effort to avoid drama. Maintain a safe distance from cliques and gossip. Only discuss work-related issues with toxic employees and avoid drinks after work with toxic coworkers. This is not to say that you should not defend yourself, particularly when someone is being unpleasant. Yes, speak up and express yourself assertively but quietly. Ascertain if the disrespectful individual recognizes they have crossed a limit and can address issues without being rude.
4. Define boundaries
Toxic workplaces can sap you in various ways, which is why you need strong boundaries. When it's time for a break, savor every minute in stillness. Take vacations as needed and refuse to take work home. If a colleague utilizes your belongings without permission, confront them directly and politely request to leave your belongings alone. Establishing strong boundaries will go a long way toward assisting you in surviving a hostile work environment.
5. Practice mindfulness
Remind yourself of who you are and what you have set as goals whenever you have the opportunity, whether at home or work. Surviving a hazardous job is much simpler when a clear objective and deadline have been established. Remember why you're in the position, and if you have an escape plan, use it to get through the day. Most crucial, remind yourself that you are not your job and exist apart from it.
6. Infuse your workspace with positive energy
Your mind needs regular reassuring messages that everything is fine. Surround yourself with cheerful, bright, and beautiful memories. Utilize images from your graduation, relatives, friends, or bright notes that make you smile. Additionally, you can retain these memories if a supervisor disregards your boundaries and becomes disrespectful. Maintain a pleasant attitude by escaping to your happy place in your thoughts.
7. Put any misunderstandings to rest
If a coworker or supervisor antagonizes you, set the record straight and ask why. Leave no space for supposition, even more so when your reputation is attacked. Approach the accountable party to ensure that you either end the conduct or find a way to brush it aside. Surviving a hostile workplace is difficult but only possible if quitting is an option. Maintain a positive attitude, set boundaries, and consider why you work there in any case. More importantly, establish routines and behaviors that will assist you in coping with job-related stress and anxiety. Eventually, you'll want to quit the toxic work environment and seek employment elsewhere as a last resort.