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Writer's pictureDr. Tomi Mitchell

The Stakes Are High: Strategies For High Performing Students To Maintain Mental Fitness

As a student, there are a few essential things that you must consider if you are serious about keeping yourself as healthy as possible. One of these is to maintain mental fitness.

Mental fitness consists of our emotional, mental, and social well-being. It impacts how we think, feel, and act. It additionally allows deciding how we deal with strain, relate to others, and make choices. Mental fitness is vital at each level of existence, from youth to adulthood.

Mental health problems have a domino effect on a student’s life. They negatively impact students by rendering them incapable of achieving their educational goals. Here are a few consequences that students with mental health problems have to face:

Academic Consequences

Students with mental health problems may not have the same degree of engagement, curiosity, and involvement as their peers without such issues. Mental health problems may affect students’ academic performance, including scoring lower grades, missing project deadlines, and, at worse, dropping out of a course or school entirely.

Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety can make it difficult for students to concentrate on tasks. As such, they tend to have poorer memory than their peers. This certainly significantly affects their intellectual abilities that drive academic excellence. However, such students are most likely to experience poor educational achievements and can end up sabotaging potentially bright careers.

Physical, Social, and Emotional Consequences

Mental health issues like depression, eating disorders, and anxiety significantly influence one’s physical being. These disorders can reduce or increase one’s appetite and prevent one from performing healthy activities. Lethargy, headaches, sleep difficulties, and lack of motivation could result from underlying depression. In the worst cases, people can become incapable of performing even basic activities.

A person with depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder may also suffer from social anxiety, making them uncomfortable in social settings. Such people may withdraw themselves socially to feel protected in their own company. Social withdrawal, in turn, could make someone feel lonely, leading to further depression.

Mental disorders can make one highly sensitive to certain feelings or reduce their ability to feel any emotion. This can result in unusual behaviors at times. For instance, a person with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder may be indifferent to the news of a close one’s death. Such emotional indifference could also affect one’s ability to form meaningful relationships with their peer group.

The most concerning matter related to mental disorders is suicide. Young students with mental health issues might react in extremes to even the most inconsequential topics and take drastic steps like suicide. Many instances have been recorded where students have ended their lives due to academic pressure, poor peer relationships, or childhood trauma.

Societal Consequences

Increasing mental health issues among students have led to a significant rise in school dropout rates. This would undoubtedly influence the overall literacy level of a country. It would also have a negative effect on future occupations, families, and society at large. It has been found that students with mental health problems find it difficult to cope in a professional setup even if they manage to complete college. However, they could still lack the valuable skills required for pursuing specific career options. As such, society would have lesser skilled professionals if mental health problems continue to grip teenagers and young adults.

Tips for Mental Health

University is frequently lauded as some of the best years of your life — 99% of the time. However, a student lifestyle can occasionally take its toll on your mental health. With the burden of trying to stay up with your schoolwork and keep up with your social life, it’s natural to feel a little overwhelmed.

Taking proactive measures to care for your well-being can help you cope with pressure and minimize stress’s impact on your life.

The value of healthy mental health is more generally known than ever before. However, it can be hard to know where to begin when it comes to self-care. Here are a handful of ways students can take positive actions to look after their mental health.

Make Some Lifestyle Changes

A few basic adjustments you may make to your lifestyle will aid in your feeling more able to deal with pressure and tense situations.

One of the simplest ways you can do this is to exercise regularly. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects and can help to counteract some of the negative impacts of stress.

Another meaningful lifestyle change is getting enough sleep. Most people need around eight hours of sleep per night to feel rested and alert during the day. When you’re chronically tired, coping with stressors is challenging.

It’s also essential to eat a healthy diet. Eating balanced meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables will give your body the nutrients it needs to function at its best, both physically and mentally. Avoid eating processed foods or drinking excessive amounts of caffeine, which can contribute to feelings of anxiety and agitation.

Practice being honest and forceful when dealing with others: If people put unreasonable or unattainable expectations on you, be ready to reveal your feelings and say no.

It is also essential to manage your time and learn how to delegate. This may not be easy if you’re used to doing everything yourself, but preserving your sanity is crucial. Learning to say no without feeling guilty and knowing when to ask for help are essential skills in this area.

If you can make some of these changes or start working on one or two of them, you’ll likely see a decrease in the daily stress you feel. And over time, with continued effort, these changes will become habits that help keep you healthy and resilient under pressure.

  • Use relaxation techniques: You may already know what relaxes you, such as taking a bath, listening to music, or walking your dog. If you know that a particular activity makes you feel more relaxed, schedule time for it.

  • Develop your interests and hobbies: Finding a new pastime entirely different from the sources of stress may help you get away from daily worries. Shared interests, such as hiking or cooking, can also be a fantastic method to meet new people if stress makes you feel lonely or disconnected.

  • Make time for your friends: It may seem difficult when you have a lot on, but it can assist you in feeling more positive and less lonely. Discussing the challenges you’re facing with your pals might help you maintain perspective - and so will they. Laughter and a grin with them will release endorphins that allow you to unwind.

  • Find balance in your life: If you find that one area of your life, such as work or parenting, consumes the majority of your time and energy, you may want to consider committing to devote some attention to other aspects of your life, such as family, friends, or hobbies. It’s not simple, but doing so can help distribute the weight of responsibilities on your shoulders and make everything feel less heavy.

Look After Your Physical Health

Taking basic health precautions, such as eating a balanced diet and getting enough rest, can assist you in maintaining your mental well-being and reducing stress.

Make an effort to get enough sleep. Sleep difficulties can sometimes be caused by stress. Getting adequate sleep may help you feel more prepared to handle challenging circumstances.

Keep moving. Physical activity is essential for both our physical and mental health. Even minor adjustments, such as walking daily, can help you relax somewhat.

Consume a balanced diet. It’s easy to skip meals or overeat the wrong food types when anxious. However, what you eat and when you eat can significantly affect how well you feel.

Give Yourself A Break

Self-compassion can help you regulate the amount of pressure you feel in certain situations, which might assist you in handling less stressed.

Reward yourself for accomplishments, even the smallest ones, like finishing a task or making a decision. You may stroll, read a book, treat yourself to the food you love, or congratulate yourself.

Change your environment. You could want to go outside, to a friend’s house or a café for a break to get some fresh air.

Take a vacation or take a day off. Taking a break from your routine can help you unwind and relax. Even spending one day in a new city might assist you in facing stress.

If you can resolve disputes, go for it. Although this might be difficult at times, discussing issues with a teacher, peer, or family member may assist you in finding ways to continue forward.

Forgive yourself when you feel you have made a mistake or haven’t accomplished something you wanted. Nobody’s perfect, so don’t put yourself under any more stress.

Build Your Support Network

Remember that you don’t have to deal with it independently if you’re stressed about something.

Build your support network. People looking after their own needs, taking care of others, or giving back to the community can feel better about themselves and obtain a sense of purpose. It is fantastic to know that somebody out there cares for you unconditionally - so reach out! Make sure to find at least one person in your life that provides this environment for you, whether a friend or family member.

Look after those who are important to you: When life seems bleak, it is incredible what love from an unexpected source can do for someone’s day - so call up a family member or friend who has been on your mind and tell them you love them. You may be surprised at the response you get!

Take some time for yourself every day: this can be as simple as reading a book, taking a bath, or meditating. Relaxing activities such as these can help reduce stress levels over time.

Talk about how you’re feeling with somebody close to you: discussing what is stressing us out can help relieve it, especially when you know somebody else understands what you’re going through. Newly. Discussing the challenges you’re facing with your pals might help you maintain perspective - and so will they. Laughter and a grin with them will release endorphins that allow you to unwind.

If you’re struggling with your mental health, don’t be afraid to ask for help: there is no shame in admitting that we need assistance. The people who care about us will want to do whatever they can to support us - so reach out!

There are many different ways to manage stress, and what works for one person might not work for another. However, by using some or all of the tips listed above, students can hopefully find a way to reduce their overall stress levels and maintain their mental fitness.

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