Why Your Daily Clothes Communicate Who You Are
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Why Your Daily Clothes Communicate Who You Are

Clothes can say a lot about who you are. It's no question that what we wear is who we think we are because fashion is a way for us to express ourselves. With our fashion choices, we express our identity and even how we feel. Clothes reflect the way people want others to perceive them and how they see themselves. Everyday clothes communicate something about the person wearing them whether it be intentional or unintentional. This article will explore why your daily clothes might be telling more than just your style preferences!

The clothes that we wear have a significant effect on our psychological state. So much so, in fact, it's been coined "unclothed cognition." In 2012 researchers from Northwestern University found this to be true when they studied the effects of wearing specific articles of clothing and how they influenced performance. They concluded that clothes carry symbolic meaning which can then affect your psyche depending on what you're wearing at any given time--donning an article with bad connotations will make you feel anxious or angry while putting something good like red lipstick might lift one's mood for example because its color is associated with positive feelings such as passion and love!

Clothes are a form of self-expression that can denote our social status. What we wear and how it is worn also affects the way society treats us. But clothes don't only change perceptions inside out—how you communicate with someone while wearing certain types of clothing may make them feel differently about you too! For instance, when dressing up for an important date or event (and expertly communicating your thoughts), if they see expensive labels on your outfit and notice attentiveness when talking eye contact as well as occasional nods during the conversation - they're probably going to give off better vibes towards both yourself AND those around you.

Looking back, I realize that I made a complete switch at the start of the pandemic. In many ways, my clothing style reflected my mood. It reflected my lack of confidence in the world and the uncertainty during the pandemic. I found that in business, during the height of the pandemic, my drive and sense of adventure were reduced. The drive was replaced by being cautious as we lived through this volatile economy with less stability than before. I used to wear business attire every day when I worked in the office. Then, when I started working more from home, lounge wear like yoga pants or workout clothes became a more common outfit choice.

As we prepare to resume our new normal, post-COVID 19, we should consider how our fashion choices can impact our emotional health. If it's been a while since you have shopped, now is a great time for a wardrobe refresh. You want items of clothing that fit comfortably and reflect your confidence and drive as we return to the new normal, post-COVID.

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